Tuesday, 10 February 2015

How to Use Envy in Krishna's Service?

Question: How to Use Envy in Krishna's Service?
I have a situation:
In college, very often I feel envious towards those of my fellow students who excel more than me in academic studies. I regret being so demoniac as to envy people who are sincerely endeavoring, and who have never hurt me. But I know that since everything emanates from Krishna, everything can be utilized in His service (even vices like lust, wrath etc.). But I am not able to find a way to dovetail my envy in Krishna's service. So, rather than me burning my heart with envy, I humbly request you to give a solution to this problem. In short, how can envy be spiritualized and utilized in Krishna's service?

Answer: Envy Those Who Are More Krishna Conscious Than You
Instead of being envious of your fellow students you should feel sorry for them, those poor souls who have not yet awakened their dormant Krishna consciousness. In spite of whatever material success they may temporarily enjoy, because they are neglecting their duty of the human form of life to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness and are instead centering their lives around material sense gratification they will be rewarded by material nature with a more suitable body for sense gratification in their next life in the animal kingdom.

So if you want to use envy in the service of Krishna, you should envious of those who excel you in Krishna consciousness not in material studies and then try very hard to please Krishna like they are doing so that Krishna will notice you also.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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