"The Difference Between a Living Body and a
Dead Body."
If we
have a little common sense and a sincere desire to know things as they are,
there are so many things we can learn just by studying things around us. For
example, even by observing the difference between a living body and a dead body
we can understand some of the basic underlying facts of reality. Amazingly this
basic information remains unknown even to the leading so-called educational
institutions on this planet. When Srila Prabhupada was preaching one time at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) he inquired, "Where is
the department at this university that teaches the difference between a living
body and a dead body." Nobody could answer him because there is no such
are we attracted to a living body and repulsed by a dead body? The chemical
elements are the same. The difference is the presence or absence of the living
spark, the atma, the spirit-soul. In the living body the spirit-soul is
present, and in the dead body the spirit-soul is absent. So what is actually
attractive and meaningful is the spirit-soul, not the material body. Yet in
spite of this simple, easily understood point we invest practically our entire
life's energy in catering to the demands of the material body, which is a mere
covering of the actual self. And we practically complete ignore the needs
of the eternal soul.
Such a
misspent life is utter foolishness. It leads to frustration and ultimately
devastation at the time of death when everything is ripped away from us. The
best thing is to mentally detach ourselves now by understanding and realizing,
"I am not this body." Understanding means to grasp the philosophical
concept, and realization means to fully imbibe that understanding in our every
thought, word, and deed. In other words to always think, speak and act on the
platform of being a spirit-soul, rather than a material body.
How do
we accomplish this? We have to engage ourselves fully on the spiritual platform
by engaging everything in the service of God. This automatically elevates us to
the spiritual platform without any necessity of the gymnastic system as
practiced in hatha yoga or the system of mental speculation as practiced in
jnana yoga. The platform of bhakti yoga (devotion to Lord Sri Krishna)
immediately situates us on the transcendental platform. This can easily be
realized by engaging all of senses in the service of the Lord. Through this
simply purifying process we gradually awaken the dormant enlightened
consciousness, the Krishna consciousness, which has been sleeping within us for
countless lifetimes.
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