Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Real Liberation Movement

The Real Liberation Movement

 Nowadays we hear about so many different types of liberation movements: women's liberation, lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender liberation, black liberation, etc. They are all seeking equal rights for persons of those various designations, but they are going about it in the wrong way. On the material platform there can never be pure equality because on that plane by nature's way there will always be dissimilarities. Real equality, true equality only exists on the spiritual platform. Therefore to achieve genuine equality we must elevate our consciousness to the spiritual plane.

Any liberation movement which is based on and thus promotes a bodily conception of the self is not a liberation movement at all. It is a bondage movement. Real liberation means to become free from the bodily conception of the self by reviving the consciousness of the real self within. This revival of consciousness is achieved by reconnecting the individual self with the Supreme Self, who is the source of all existence. The reconnection process is called bhakti yoga, the pathway of divine love. This process is learned from a bona fide spiritual master. Therefore all those who are seeking the platform of pure equality and unlimited happiness are advised to seek out a bona fide spiritual master and learn from him the sublime science of self-realization.

The Krishna consciousness movement has been started for this purpose, to provide everyone in every part of the world access to a bona fide spiritual master who can train them how to revive their original divine consciousness.  This is a real liberation movement, a soul liberation movement. Take advantage of it and your life will be eternally sublime.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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